Orthopedic physical therapy is a common part of recuperation after an orthopedic injury. Many patients need orthopedic physical therapy due to repetitive stress injuries, sports injuries, or from trauma, like a fall. Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on improving the function of your bones, tendons, muscles, and joints. Physical therapy can help you regain mobility by increasing orthopedic strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
Orthopedic Physical Therapy Conditions
Here are some common conditions that can include physical therapy as part of your treatment.
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Fractures and stress fractures
- Joint pain, sprain, or replacement
- Repetitive stress injuries (carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, etc.)
- Running injuries
- Soft tissue damage and tears
- Spinal disc degeneration or herniation
What are the Orthopedic Physical Therapy Options
If physical therapy is a part of your treatment plan, there are two primary ways to receive care. The first is by visiting a location with a physical therapy staff. The second option is in-home orthopedic physical therapy. An in-home orthopedic physical therapist can provide care in an individual’s home or group living arrangement, such as an assisted living facility. The option that best works for you will be influenced by your personal preference, transportation capability, and specific treatment needs.
In-Home Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Minimizing your exposure to other people and environments can lead you towards the in-home care option, especially if you are an at-risk patient for infectious disease. This can be a very important consideration during the current pandemic. Perhaps the largest difference between clinic and in-home physical therapy is transportation. In-home care can be your best option if leaving home is troublesome or not possible. Depending on your condition, mobility can prevent you from commuting to an orthopedic physical therapy clinic. Another consideration is transportation availability. If your transportation situation is unreliable, the in-home physical therapy option is ideal.
Many conditions make traveling to your physical therapy sessions difficult. Post-surgery patients, patients with fractures, as well as patients with chronic, degenerative conditions (ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, etc.) often find a better level of patient care with in-home orthopedic physical therapy. In-home physical therapy care may also be the preferred option if privacy is among your treatment concerns. In-home health care offers a level of discretion if you are not comfortable disclosing your health diagnosis to those outside your home.
Provista Home Health Care
Provista Home Health Care provides orthopedic physical therapy as a part of our home health services. As such, your physical therapist has direct communication with the other members of your home health care team. Having a full-service home health care provider helps to ensure you a greater quality of care, faster recovery time, and a reduced risk of re-hospitalization.
Learn more about Provista Home Health Care.
Orthopedic Physical Therapy Clinics
Depending on the specifics of your therapy needs, there may be physical therapy treatments that are not suited to in-home orthopedic physical therapy. This may include large equipment or exercise resources like a swimming pool. However, most patients can receive in-home physical therapy with the use of transportable equipment along with household items and furniture. A 2016 study showed (when in-home therapy was deemed appropriate) no measurable difference between orthopedic physical therapy patients who received treatment at a facility or at home.
What You Need to Know for In-Home Orthopedic Physical Therapy
As a patient, you may have a lot of questions about how physical therapy fits as part of your treatment plan. This is especially true if this is your first time considering home health care. Below are a few of the most common questions we receive about in-home physical therapy.
Does insurance cover in-home physical therapy?
Yes! Many insurances cover in-home physical therapy if it is referred by a physician as being “reasonable and necessary” for your treatment plan. Speak with your doctor to see if in-home orthopedic physical therapy would be beneficial to your treatment plan.
How do I get in-home orthopedic physical therapy?
To have your physical therapy covered by insurance your will need a physician referral showing medical necessity. You can also Contact Provista Healthcare. We can help you have the conversation with your physician and help your physician through the referral process.
How do I prepare for an in-home physical therapy session?
Find an area of your home with enough space to do mild exercise without hitting anything (this may require moving furniture). Make sure the area is well lit and free of floor hazards like rugs and cords. If you are unsure what area of your home is best for your session, your physical therapist can help. For your orthopedic physical therapy sessions, wear comfortable clothes that allow for a wide range of motion.
Do I need to purchase special equipment?
You do not need to purchase any special equipment. Your physical therapist will bring any physical therapy equipment needed. Other exercises can be accomplished with what is in your home. However, you may want to purchase light equipment, such as exercise weights or resistance bands, to practice orthopedic exercises on your own. Your orthopedic physical therapist can also help you assess your home’s need for durable medical equipment. This includes grab bars, shower seats, and other equipment that can improve the safety and accessibility of your home.
How do I learn more?
For more information about in-home orthopedic physical therapy and to answer your home health care questions, Contact Provista Healthcare.
Provista Home Health Therapy Services
Orthopedic physical therapy is just one type of healthcare service offered by Provista Home Health Care. Provista Home Health Care also offers in-home aides, nurses, and physician care to help patients recover and reduce the potential for re-hospitalization.In addition to physical therapy, Provista also offers occupational and speech therapy services that can help patients improve their quality of life as part of their treatment plan. See what else Provista Home Health Care has to offer.